
My mommy and I were supposed to go to Austin , to go to victorias secret, buttt apparently there was like a flea market there so we decided to look around. I got a cute little necklace and had the lady put a dolphin heart on it and then i got a little dolphin earring for my third hole, and 2 dream catchers. No they're not for me sorta.. but it's something for the new house we got.
After bumping into Danny and Roman there, me and them went to pizza while my mom and her friend were still in Victorias Secret. After my mom left home, I hung around with them for a while since it's beena while haha. At least I don't have the same hatered for Danny like I used to when he was friends with Agron, strange?perhaps, but tomorrow might just be Agrons lucky day on getting fucked up 'cause he really needs to stop talking shit about people(this time its not about me which makes it more painful for him)



Oh man this mourning I was walking with my friends Angie and Pryanka and spotted Agron, and I told my friends to go up to him and get him alone and like ask him like why is he saying shit about me and stuff, so they help me out and do that for me, they face his back to me so i go up from behind him and bash him on the head like 5 times, all he did was smoke and keep walking away. But fuck thats what he gets for saying stupid shit about ME. HAHAHAHAH my friends think I need anger mangement hahahahaha I was all "nooo" and Agrons friends didn't do shit except watch ahahahaha "friends" right.
My friends were gonna pull me away but then I was done with him so yeah..
Argh last night I felt like total shit 'cause I'm like sick. Yeah I'm sick and my mom went and got me the yuckiest medicine last night, that I have been taking it and the medicine has been numbing my mouth sort of like novicane hahaha, but I don't I'm thinking maybe I should go to a doc instead to get like anti biotics or something 'cause there is white shit on my tonsils and quiet frankly I don't like it, but aww I got to see Roman today so that made me feel a whole lot better.
I'm gonna go now and take some thing for my headache, catchya later!


me and fights fights fights

Roman and I got into a fight last night over a silly thing, and ofcouse I guess that's the price i get for fucking honesty. Anywhom, man I couldn't put myself to sleep, was up for 24 hours, and only got 5 hours of sleep. went to sleep at 7 am, and my parents woke me up around 12 to get something to eat, and i did then i had coffee and went back to sleep only to have my mom wake me up at the end of 1 pm, to ask me if i wanted to go with her to get my nails done , so i said alright. we went to get our nails done, and then went around shops, i got a cute betty boop bag, 2 new rings, nightgown, my sister a cute pink teddy, and a caution sign(don't ask) hahahah
welll whem my mom and i came back it was the end of 5pm, so my dad was kinda pissed since we hadda go to long island, but we still did and checked out 3 houses, and my parents are really interested in the first one and are gonna try and negotiate and plus the neighborhood is really nice 



Ack , so on saturday my mom wakes me up in the mourning, giving me a notice saying that she and my dad are going to get a new dvd player, i said okay, and she asked me if i wanted to come with them and i was all "noooo" it was about 10 am not to mention i went to bed at 4-5am, and so she asks me what am i gonna do, and I HATE peole waking me up early when i didnt get enough sleep so i make a scandel yelling "NOTHING like ALWAYS" and she was all "well if you got up earlier then maybe we could actually go somewhere" and i was all "well maybe if you made a plan and STICKED to it i WOULD" and then she comes back in my room 2 min later saying to get ready because we're going to a beach in Hempstead park(in LI) so , i got up and got ready, we went to Circuit City to get a dvd player and then to some store and then on our way to the beach. It was pretty fun since my dad had nothing to do, my mom started throwing these magic puffs for the seagulls and they kept bunching up and my dad was shooing them away ahha.
Well latley i haven't been doing much, i'm too lazy to update, too lazy to get a new layout, i should really start on it though. I've been playing some more of Diablo 2 latley with Matt. Ah I never get tired of that game, but latley I've been tired in general feeling as If I am sick, but i am not.  


im slow

mayn i'm slow at updating, haven't really had much to do, except play mini golf with Tabbie and we've gotten realllyy hooked on it..yupp
hah, well yesterday was kamillas birthday, and she ditched everyone else for me, I went to her place at 9 and gave her, her bday present and she lurved it, she better have. haha. umm and we watched "american wedding" till 11 am, and then left to go to the pool instead, ofcourse me being a dummy I forgot to take my batteries for my camera and so i couldn't take pics.
And to think it wasn't that hot for the first day of summer, i still managed to get sunburnt and tanned, which i don't mind, it doesn't bother me that much. Then we went back to her place to drop our stuff off at 3pm and went to McDonalds and took it to go to sit at a park thingy and eat, as we were eating i saw far away a guy in a white tee on a bike hahaha and i was all "omg that looks like agron, kamilla go look at see" and she was all "no it looks like a chinese guy" but she went to see and it was him, woot woot,I have good eye site, so he came down aand sticked around with me and her for a while then went to get his bike fixed with danny and some other dud.
Then me and Kamilla went to her place to watch Ms.Congeniality and I wanted to sleeppp so much, i usually get sleepy when watching a movie at homme so yeahh, but she wouldn't let me, but when i got home i took a shower and then at around 11 i fell asleep
Oh man this week i definitly have to start working on a layout, and i'm gonna try and get my mom to make me a hair appoitment on saturday to get it multicoloured haha. I've also gotten diablo II expansion pack and neverwinter nights so i've been playing that, but i'll try and make a layout. aCHOO!


happy mothers day to all mothers

Well its mothers day already, im planning to make a breakfast for my mommy , my sister and i that is, ahah we're gonna wake up early, we already set the clock alarm on. jeesh.
So, I'm still sick, i think im more sick, but people are usually more sick at night than daylight, at least thats how it works for me, so i might feel better tomorrow/today, well i better 'cause my sister and i and my mom are gonna go see Van Hellsing It seems like a cool movie.
Hahaha, right before my sister and i were gonna go to the store today, my friend William said how this pizza shop/resturant blew up, and since he lives near it theres gas around there, so I decided to go see with my sister and it wasn't as blown up as i thought/hoped, but there were firefighters everywhere and cops.
Then when we got back from the store, my sister had to leave early back to her school 'cause theres a music&arts festival and she had a solo in it. So when my parents and i left to go there, it was sort of boring, till the select chorus started to sing(my sister isn't in that) and this one dudes voice completley cracked on his solo everyone started murmuring and laughing and nearly at the end this one girl tried to be like christina aguilera and go up high and it sounded like pigs squeeling or someone stabbing her AHahahahah I feel sorry for her when she watches the video, and fuck during the intermission they had no drinks or snacks, what kind of intermission is that? hahah well over all it sucked.